
The Grimm Heir: Layla

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GeminiPsyche's avatar

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Layla (Theia)

Daughter of Hades and premature ruler of the Underworld, Layla goes by her human name more often than the chthonian one (Theia), which is rarely ever used. She is introduced late in the story and is seen by Liam as an intimidating but surprisingly puerile girl. She constantly clashes with Serene and seems to be the only one who can elicit a real reaction from her.
Layla is the wild card in the story, having been a surprise both to her parents, and then to the Underworld. Hades is not known for his children. It is often stated that he was never meant to have offspring because of the nature of his powers. However, for some reason or other, Layla came about and since then, the Underworld has been in a stir.
The meeting that takes places between Layla and Liam is by no chance coincidental, though it seems that way at first. Their paths are parallel since their fathers were great (but secret) friends. The Grimm Realm and Hades overlap in too many areas for them to remain oblivious of each other for long. Liam is exposed to her power on a small scale as she punishes a group of insolent Grimms who had turned away from their purpose and were abusing their powers. She initially tries to reason with them but once they realize who she is, they attack her.
In self defense, she reduces them all to ashes within the timespan of a minute and seconds later, they are blown away in the wind. All this happens while Liam watches, horrified.
Layla often refers to Liam's father as Skìa, which means "uncle". She grew up under the guidance and supervision of her father who was at the time grooming and training her to be his heir. This meant she was with him almost always and was usually the sole witness to his meetings with Domonic. As a result, she grew close to both Domonic and Hallow and remains close to them as  she grows older. They serve as her mentors and are a part of her support system.
She sees them as family and protects them with all the ferocity and puissance afforded her.  She is generally given free rule of the Underworld and her words are law. She is only reined in by her father, Domonic & Hallow, and every once in a while as they become closer, Liam.
While she tends to be somewhat childish and spoiled, she is a mature young woman and very much in control of herself, her emotions and those around her. She subjects herself to emotions commonly experienced by humans and often considers herself an outcast of the godly realm, being the unexpected child of Hades. But make no mistake, she knows her place as Princess and soon-to-be-Queen of the Underworld and she will not accept insults of any kind against herself, her kingdom or her father, to whom she is very close.

Age: N/A
Powers: She rules over the Underworld [no pun intended], she can reanimate a corpse [as well as create one; that goes without saying].
Likes: The 'Surface World' and its fresh air; being with her Uncle (Liam's father) and bonding with her father (Hades).
Dislikes: Being insulted or hearing her father insulted, Liam (for a while), Serene (Liam's girlfriend) and dead souls.

She's not quite as buxom as the picture would suggest but I haven't had time to work on a custom picture just yet. She's slender but not 'skinny' and she values her curves. The eyes in the picture are more or less accurate and fitting for her personality. I promise I'm starting  to work on an original drawing of her.
I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

**I don't own this picture (as was implied in the end of the piece.**
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sketchy5stan's avatar
How I ran acrossed you is irrelivant. What is relivant is I am on the hunt for an editor, I need a really, really talented editor with mucho ambition.

Within the next 3 years or so I'll be releasing a comic book. ATM I'm not sure how my team is coming together but what I am sure of is the time is now and it's coming together so naturally. Take a look at my stuff if you will, my other account is "that1mofo", soon I'll have deleted this account after I've transfered all of my stuff over to "that1mofo".

Let me know if you would like to know more!